Kerani E-perolehan
5 days ago
EP clerks are responsible for performing E-procurement duties, clerical and administrative duties in an office setting, and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by assess government/non-government tenders, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients, issue quotation to potential clients and marketing.
Vision We are committed to be an excellent service provider by rendering the highest performance standard in any area of business that we are venturing into. We strive to be an organization whose obsession is none other than delivering total customer satisfaction, which is the key to our long term business growth. The main business activities for Naim Security Services Sdn. Bhd. as stated in its '˜Memorandum & Articles of Association' are as follows: '¢ To supply manpower and training services to organizations and act as an agent for foreign workers. '¢ To carry on the business of providing escort and security guards for the safe transportations, courier services and collection and delivery goods, articles and valuable of all kinds, receiving goods for safe custody and establishing and operating safe depositories, carrying our investigations and enquiries of all sort and securing and to provide experts and advisers on security for consultation, furnishing information and advice. '¢ To carry on the business as importers, exporters, general merchants, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, agents, stockist and dealers in general merchandise, goods, mineral substances, produce and articles of all kinds and descriptions, whether manufactured by machines or by hand or in a raw state, and to buy, sell, barter exchange, pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal n the same.
Diploma / Advanced Diploma / Higher Graduate Diploma / DVM / DKM Level 4 / DLKM Level 5